Dr. Jillian Peterson & Dr. James Densley: “The Violent Project”
The Violence Project Website is filled with resources for schools. Once on the site, you can click on three icons. Based on the symposium, if you click on the “off ramp” icon, you will see many resources including data and peer reviewed research articles. Also included in this section is a drop-down bar with topics on on-line training, policy, crisis response teams and resources. Website: https://www.theviolenceproject.org/ Off-Ramp Information: https://off-ramp.org/ Symposium Presentation: Presentation from 12/5/22
Michele Gay: School Safety: A Parent’s Perspective”
The website below has an abundance of resources on this topic. Once on the site, click resources in the upper righthand corner to enter a page filled with information including toolkits, latest reports, resource library, podcasts and many other resources. ● Safe and Sound Website: https://safeandsoundschools.org/ ● Michele referred to the below resource in her presentation. https://www.avertedschoolviolence.org/