MASA posts, as a courtesy, notices from our collegial community about events such as professional development opportunities. Please note these postings are not vetted by MASA. If you are interested in any of these non-MASA events or resources, we encourage you to examine the details. An example of this would be the availability of CEU’s, which must be approved by BOSA for MN Administrators.
Due to the challenges of COVID-19, please follow-up with the organization before attending.
The Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) and School Election Strategies present a professional development opportunity ...
Getting Out the Vote presented by Dr. Don Lifto, School Election Strategies This session will provide school leaders with research and strategies to improve their desired voter turnout in a school referendum.
Wednesday, September 7 • 10:30 - 11:45 am Presented virtually. Can’t attend? Everyone who registers will receive a link to the recorded session.
GOTV (Getting out the Vote) is the last of the "Big Three" campaign strategies (Canvassing, Communications and GOTV). The success (or lack thereof) of a school district's GOTV efforts is often the difference between winning and losing. This workshop will focus on research and best practices associated with successful GOTV execution and is intended for school leaders, board members and community leaders working on a campaign. Don Lifto, from School Election Strategies, has written three books on school tax elections, has been published in national journals more than 20 times and is a frequent presenter at national conferences. His most recent book, co-authored with Barb Nicol, includes a chapter on GOTV execution and can be found at
Cost: $60 per registration Everyone who registers will receive a link to the recorded session. Register using the Zoom link below and following the session we will send you an invoice and your link to the session recording.
Important: You may cancel your registration on the Zoom registration page before the session, but note that everyone who registers and does not cancel before the session will receive an invoice whether or not they attend the session.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We encourage you to participate in this session whether or not you are currently running a finance election campaign. This is a great opportunity to prepare your district team for future campaigns as well as those happening currently. Remember, each registrant will receive a link to the recorded presentation — a great resource to have in your toolbox regardless of your current campaigning status.
We look forward to seeing you virtually on September 7!
MDE: Get Involved with MDE’s Public Engagement Division Enter your school’s information to stay connected The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has a created a new Bilingual Family Engagement Liaison Contact on MDE-ORG. Contacts will receive important updates from MDE’s Public Engagement team about stories from the field, issues and concerns that families and communities are raising, and information pertinent to our shared work in stakeholder engagement.
Please update this site level contact for your elementary, middle, high school, alternative learning center and preschool sites. Please include any nonpublic schools if you are a school district. More information about how to access and enter this new data can be found at this link. Contact MDE-ORG Administrator, Michelle Carey, for questions regarding data entry at [email protected]. Contact Community Engagement Specialist, Lee Her, for questions about MDE’s public engagement initiative at [email protected]. Contact EL Specialist, Amy Young, for questions, guidance or assistance related to the “bilingual family engagement liaison” role at [email protected].
Women on Wednesday - St. Cloud State University About the ProgramThirty years ago, the first Women on Wednesday session was held in the basement of the former Women’s Center (which was north of Mitchell Hall). This launched a now 30-year history of introducing new generations of students to one model of exploring and educating about women’s and gender issues—and considering the impact of gender on women’s lives in particular. The series “took.” In other words, it paved the way for WoW’s "signature series" status. By organizing presentations on a vast array of feminist issues and highlighting diverse women’s perspectives, the Women’s Center has offered amazing opportunities to learn from women’s lived experiences, as experts in their fields, and about feminist social, political, economic, and legal efforts towards social justice and change. For more episodes, visit theWomen on Wednesday Archive
Looking for a book study for your leadership team? MASA's "What We Are Reading" Blog is a great resource. Thanks to our book blogger, Steve Malone, Superintendent of Becker Public Schools for being our Reader Leader! Check out a sampletoday.
Leadership from the Inside Out Denny Smith has launched his new weekly video series "Leadership from the Inside Out." "Leadership from the Inside Out" is a web series of motivational and personal development videos for teachers and educators for fall. Each week, the school or district would receive a one to three-minute video that they could forward to staff. There is no cost for the program. Check out one of his videos: Be Your Own Best Coach Subscribe the video series at