Coming soon! #21 MASA Master Class: Understanding State Aid: Equalization, Ag2School, and more! presented by Michael Hart, Director of Public Finance, PMA Financial Network Steve Pumper, Senior Vice President, PMA Financial Network
Session Details Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Time: 10 - 11 am Location: Virtual via Zoom Register for the session here! There is no cost to attend.
#20 Why Prioritizing Educator Mental Health is Critical to School Culture and Student Success A recording of the session can be found here:
EmpowerU wanted us to pass along the following message to attendees:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month - and we are asking you to join us as we promote and model mental health self-care for educators and students throughout May.
We've made it easy for you to join us in this important work:
Take the 5-Day Educator Mental Health Challenge. Click here to get a jump-start on Mental Health Awareness Month by taking the first lesson. Subsequent lessons being delivered to you via email/text starting in May. Share with your friends and colleagues!
Promote Mental Health Awareness Month by sharing our ready-to-use images on your district's social media accounts, website, or in upcoming district newsletters in May. Click on the image below or visit this page to view alternate images and copy points to use in your communications.
Learn more about EmpowerU. Attend one of our upcoming overview webinars hosted by our CEO, Katie Dorn - click here to register.
#19 MASA Master Class: Building and Sustaining Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems Presented by Brienne LaHaye, MA, LMFT | Project AWARE Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Presentation Slides Session Recording:
#18 MASA Master Class: What is ChatGPT and Where is AI Headed? ChatGPT in Your Schools presented by Sean Beaverson, District Technology Coordinator, Orono Public Schools Anthony Padrnos, Executive Director of Technology, Osseo Area Schools Eric Simmons, Director of Technology, Chisago Lakes Public Schools Presentation Slides Session Recording:
#17 Communication and Engagement for Tomorrow's Crisis presented by Dr. Lori Mueller, Partner, Donovan Group -and- Former Superintendent, Baraboo School District, WI Presentation Slides | Session Recording:
#16 MASA Master Class: Filling school nursing gaps through telemedicine with Avel eCare MASA Members are invited to attend the next MASA Master Class, "Filling school nursing gaps through telemedicine with Avel eCare." The two sessions will be presented by Sheila Freed, Director of School Health, Avel eCare.
#15 MASA Master Class: Prioritize, Stabilize, and Accelerate Success presented by Bonnie Houck, Ed.D, Houck Educational Services and Tracy Corcoran, Director of Teaching and Learning, Faribault Area Schools
Session One | January 19, 2023 | 10 - 11 am | Zoom This session is about using a process to identify priorities and goals, engage in collaborative decision making, and identify incremental implementation steps and success measures to see growth over time. Session Recording: Session Slides Additional materials provided:
Session Two | February 23, 2023 | 10 - 11 am | Session Recording: This session will dig deeper into your priorities and goals to support collaborative decision making, continuing incremental implementation, and measuring growth over time.
#14 Cyber Security Awareness for K-12 School Districts Session Recording: Fortinet has offered to share its free education-focused version of Security Awareness and Training with MASA members. As part of the White House National Cyber Workforce and Education Summit 2022, Fortinet has made its staff training available for free to all K-12 school districts in the US. This high-quality and engaging security training service arms your faculty and staff with the latest knowledge, guidance, and tips to make smarter choices when confronted by cyberattacks and other risks to your organization. The training is aesthetic and modern to engage audiences and includes topics like Email Security, Data Privacy, Phishing Attacks, and Social Media safety. Fortinet will present an overview of the program, show a short demo of the interface for users and administrators, and answer questions during the meeting. Al Nasturzio of Fortinet will be leading the class.
Contact: Peter Kaplan (SLED Capture Director, Fortinet) | [email protected]
#13 Avel eCare School Health (Part 2) You can watch a recording of the session here: Presented by Sheila Freed, Director of School Health, Avel eCare
#12Minnesota Student Data Privacy Law: Impact and Implementation
MASA would like to extend a thank-you to our presenters:
Anthony Padrnos, Executive Director of Technology, Osseo Area Schools
Eric Simmons, Director of Technology Services, Chisago Lakes School District
Joel VerDuin, Chief Technology & Information Officer, Anoka-Hennepin School District
If you were unable to attend or want to review the presentation, you can view a recording of the session here:
Dr. Terence Morrow, Director of Legal and Policy Services with MSBA, reached out to the House Research Department after the master class for clarification on some questions that were raised by participants during the presentation. The responses are below. Thank you to Dr. Morrow for providing MASA with the clarifying information! The law says that notice will be provided “within 30 days of the start of the school year.” It does not state whether it is 30 days before or 30 days after. Participants are seeking guidance.
This could be 30 days before or after the start of the school year.
A related question asks whether the 30 days are calendar days or work days. My presumption is calendar days.
You are right, this means calendar days. One small caveat: under § 645.15 (which deals with the computation of time generally in Minnesota law), “[w]hen the last day of the period falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, that day shall be omitted from the computation,” and you would skip ahead to the following weekday. Because the key date in this statute is the start of a school year (which would be a normal weekday), this caveat should only matter for calculating 30 days after the start of the school year.
The notice is given at the start of the school year. If a school adds technology services during the school year, is there a notice requirement?
The law does not address notice requirements for contracts entered into after the 30-day window. A district certainly isn’t prohibited from providing an additional supplementary notice, but the law contemplates a single notice around the start of the school year for all the relevant existing contracts. If a district enters into a new contract in the middle of a school year, that could be included in the notice for the next school year.
Please see an additional message from Dr. Morrow regarding the Student Data Privacy Bill: This spring, the Minnesota legislature enacted a bill regarding student data privacy, which can be found here:
Effective for the 2022-23 school year and after, the new law creates requirements that schools and technology providers must meet regarding educational data and other matters, including:
specific provisions that must appear in contracts between technology providers and schools;
limitations and notice requirements before a school or a technology provider electronically accesses or monitors a school-issued device; and
notice to parents and students “within 30 days of the start of each school year” regarding any curriculum, testing or assessment technology provider contract affecting a student’s educational data.
To assist schools in meeting these requirements, MSBA worked with MASA and a team of K-12 technology experts to create helpful resources:
Updated MSBA/MASA Model Policy 524: Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy available to Policy Services subscribers on the MSBA website (under Resources andPolicies) [Redline and clean versions are available]
MASA Master Class MN Tech Data Privacy Law Overview
The Google Docs contain sample materials, including:
Beginning of the school year notice
72-hour notification
Software Inventory and Student Data Elements (crowdsourced)
Many thanks to MASA, Eric Simmons, Ed.S (Director of Technology, Chisago Lakes School District), Anthony Padrnos, Ed.S (Executive Director of Technology, Osseo Area Schools), and Joel VerDuin, Ed.D (Chief Technology Officer, Anoka-Hennepin School District) for your leadership and expertise on this project.
Dr. Terence Morrow MSBA Director of Legal and Policy Services [email protected]
#11 Avel eCare School Health: Grant Funds Available to Support Virtual Nursing Program Presented by Sheila Freed, Director of School Health, Avel eCare
This session was offered in collaboration among MASSP, MESPA, and MASA. Special thank you to Principal Leadership Support at MDE.
#9 Prepare Your District for the Impending Mental Health Surge presented by Ben Court, Director, Strategic Research and Carolyn Lang, Director of Partner Development; EAB The presenters have chosen not to provide their slides or to be recorded, but you can request their slides here:
#8 Habits of the Heart for Educational Leaders: Demonstrating empathy and compassion during and after a pandemic presented by Linda Madsen, Superintendent Forest Lake Schools (2009-2017) Michael Lovett, Superintendent, White Bear Lake Area Schools (2008-2017) Donald Draayer, Superintendent, Minnetonka Schools (1971-1995) View Handout Here View Video Here
#5 Supervision of Grading and Assessment Practices of Your Teachers presented by Patrick Walsh, Superintendent, Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa School District View Handout Here
#4 Flexibility and Balancing of the HS Master Schedule presented by Patrick Walsh, Superintendent, Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa School District View Handout Here View Video Here
#3 GOTV: Research and Best Practices to Maximize Your Referendum "Yes" Votes on Election Day presented by Don Lifto, Director, Baker Tilly View Video Here
#2Leveraging Facilitation Skills to Manage Complex Change Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 presented by Stacie Stanley, Associate Superintendent, Eden Prairie Schools View Handout Here View Video Here
#1 Understanding why we all feel so terrible and what to do about it Date: Nov 17, 2020 presented by Dr. Kaz Nelson, University of Minnesota View Handout Here