The Minnesota Association of School Administrators and Minnesota Administrators for Special Education invite you to join ...
NEW: MASA and MASE Mindfulness and Meditation Group
You are invited to join the MASA and MASE Mindfulness and Meditation Group. The group will be led by Rev. Marc Anderson, Founder and Director, The Urban Monk Project, and Buddhist Chaplain, Macalester College. Marc has worked with our members in the past, most recently as a wellness presenter at the MASE Fall Leadership Conference in October.
How this will work: We will start the group with a core group of interested participants, who will plan the details of this practice. Later, we will invite members to come to open sessions, but at first, we will convene the core group to discuss and plan the practice. Marc will lead this session and it will be convened virtually. There is no cost for the initial session(s).
Please respond by 4 pm on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. We will contact you to determine a good meeting time.
The benefits of having a meditation practice are numerous and well documented and they occur at the physiological, emotional and spiritual level. Marc Anderson started the Urban Monk project 8 years ago when he first began offering mindfulness trainings in St. Paul public schools. In 2012 he formed a non-profit organization called M2 and he continued to explore ways of teaching and supporting practices that are life affirming, transformative and applicable to someone living in the everyday world of family, work and friends. Marc says he has come to think that we are all searching for our own way - given the circumstances past, present and future – to live well, to be helpful, to harmonize with life more of the time and to be in conflict less. Join Marc and learn about meditation and how a meditation practice can benefit you.