Mission Statement: As advocates of a world-class education for Minnesota’s learners, MASA’s members serve as the leading voice for public education, shape and influence the State and National education agenda, and empower leaders through high-quality professional learning, services and support.
Equity Statement: It is MASA’s responsibility to prioritize and allocate the resources necessary for each learner to thrive and reach their greatest potential in any Minnesota public educational institution or system. We fervently believe that every student deserves an educational experience grounded in high expectations that is free from bias, prejudice, and discrimination. In our roles, we must continue to lead the work of removing barriers so that every student has access to a high-quality, rigorous education to fully prepare them for whatever path they choose
Definitions Educational Equity - Educational practices, policies, and procedures that support academic fairness, inclusion, achievement, and opportunities to ensure that every child has access to resources, educators, and support they need to be successful.
Race Equity - Educational practices, policies, and procedures within a system or entity that focus on implementing equitable approaches to eradicate the overt and covert systems of power and privilege that have historically had significant adverse effects and impacts on populations of color. This includes the intentional shifting of policies, practices, attitudes, mindsets, and cultural messages that reinforce differential outcomes based on race.
Our Belief Statements:
MASA believes public education is fundamental for our democracy.
MASA believes it is the responsibility of the Association to actively support school leaders as they ensure equity in order to improve student outcomes for every student.
MASA believes leaders must continuously improve their practices to ensure all students are prepared to engage, thrive and lead in a global society.
MASA believes a commitment to racial equity by the organization and its members is essential for the success of every student.
MASA believes equity is a lens through which all decisions should be made.