MASA Region 9 Superintendents and Education Leaders are invited to join MASA and AMSD for a day of advocacy at the capitol on Monday, March 24.
Please RSVP to AMSD Office Manager Kimberly Jansa at [email protected]by Tuesday, March 18 if you plan to attend.
Call ahead to schedule appointments with legislators as their schedules fill up weeks in advance. Also, invite others from your school district to join you in this day of advocacy for our students and our schools.
Highlights of the day will include: 8:30 - 10 am | L'Etoile du Nord Vault Room B15, State Capitol Includes coffee and donuts Updates from AMSD Staff & Legislators
Featuring Key Legislative Leaders from the Education Finance and Policy Committees.
FLOOR SESSIONS AND HEARINGS Attendees can attend hearings between meetingswith their local legislators.