Code of Conduct for MASA Sponsored Events All registrants, guests, speakers, organizers, volunteers, partners, vendors and staff at the MASA sponsored events are expected to observe the following Code of Conduct:
MASA events, whether virtual or in person, are expected to be a safe, welcoming and productive environment that fosters open dialogue and the expression of ideas. MASA is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, physical or mental ability, disability, age, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, nationality, or any other protected characteristics.
Event attendees are expected to conduct themselves with integrity, courtesy and respect for others and to maintain the highest level of professionalism at all MASA programs and events including those sponsored by organizations other than MASA and informal interactions between and among attendees at other venues. All attendees, guests, speakers, organizers, volunteers, partners, vendors and staff at all MASA events are required to observe the following Code of Conduct.
Expected Behavior All attendees are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, follow venue rules and alert staff to any violations of this Code of Conduct, dangerous situations or any participant in distress.
Event attendees shall:
Express differences in ideas and opinions productively, free of personal attacks.
Consider the impact of their own communications and communication style, as words can easily be interpreted as aggressive or negative, even if this is not what they intended.
Abide by all venue rules and policies.
Presume goodwill in the absence of evidence to the contrary and alert the specific individuals if their comments or conduct are unwelcome.
Respect and maintain one another's personal space unless an individual specifically invites physical contact.
Be an ally—speak up, reach out to the affected individual or notify staff when there is unacceptable behavior that affects another.
Alert staff or security to any dangerous situations or if anyone is in distress.
Behavior Violating Code of Conduct
MASA will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination or abuse in connection with MASA events and activities as part of our professional affiliation. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:
Speech, gestures or behaviors that are known to be or should reasonably be expected to be personally offensive, abusive or derogatory.
Harmful or harassing verbal or written comments related to or motivated by another’s gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, disability or other protected characteristic.
Unprofessional or disparaging remarks, whether verbal or written, made about colleagues to external entities, such as school boards, community members, or social platforms, when such remarks are intended to undermine professional reputations, sow discord, or damage professional relationships.
Verbal or physical intimidation, threats, stalking or bullying.
Sustained or repeated disruption of events, including sustained interruption, yelling at or threatening speakers or attendees.
Severe or pervasive speech or conduct, based on a protected classification, that creates a hostile environment for guests, speakers, organizers, volunteers, partners, vendors or staff.
Sexual assault or physical harassment, including unwelcome touching or groping, or inappropriate, unnecessary, and unwarranted physical contact.
Virtual or in-person stalking or unwelcome following, including but not limited to sending inappropriate direct messages through conference apps or virtual meeting chats.
Real or implied threat of physical harm.
Unprofessional use of nudity and/or sexual images or profanity in public spaces or in presentations.
Retaliation against anyone for raising a complaint under this Code of Conduct or participating in an investigation.
Reporting a Violation If you believe you have been subjected to or have witnessed behavior that violates the MASA Code of Conduct, please submit an Incident Report Form or email [email protected]. Reporters of violations will not be expected to discuss the incident with the offending party, but you will be asked to fill out a report, ideally within one week of the incident, using the Incident Report Form. All complaints for which sufficient information is provided will be reviewed by the MASA Executive Director and Executive Officers. Complaints will be treated confidentially, seriously and addressed promptly.
If this incident involves bodily harm or present danger, immediately contact event staff or call 911.
Consequences All reported incidents will be reviewed by the MASA Executive Director and Executive Officers of the MASA Board of Directors. MASA, in its sole discretion, may bar those who violate this code from continued participation in or attendance at some or all MASA events and activities (in-person and virtual) without refund of fees paid. In some cases, and where appropriate, MASA may also bar violators from future MASA events and activities. In extreme circumstances, MASA may revoke the violator’s association membership without refund of fees paid and may notify the individual’s employer and/or the Board of School Administrators for serious misconduct as determined by MASA in its sole discretion.
False Reporting Knowingly making a false accusation of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, or knowingly providing false information in the course of an investigation of a report, may be grounds for potential responses including, but not limited to, revocation of association membership, reporting to the individual’s employer and/or the Board of School Administrators. A complaint made in good faith, even if found to be unsubstantiated, will not be considered a false accusation.
Retaliation Retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is a serious violation and is strictly prohibited. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly addressed.